I’m a server at Cracker Barrel. I love it. It’s so much fun. I talk to unique people, with interesting requests, and a variety of different personalities everyday. It’s fun. It’s fun because I choose to make it fun and worry-free 🙂 It’s true.
If you go to work happy, choose the happy path in every situation, no matter how “weird” or “not like you” it may be, just believe in the power of good. Find the joy… and you will get joy in return. I promise you.
Going to work knowing that the only thing I can control is me, my feelings, and my reactions to the outside stimulus is freakin’ great! I just go to work and enjoy whatever happens. I create the best situation out of every situation.
I chose to be there. I applied. I got hired. Went through training. I chose to stay. and to get my stars 😉 So why would I choose to dislike it? I know… it doesn’t make any sense, so I choose to love it. It’s easy to love whatever you’re doing when you decide to give yourself credit for being there. Be real. Cut the bullshit. Stop being the victim.
Choose to be proud of yourself right now. In this very moment. Really pat yourself on the back. You’re a wonderful person. You’re talented. You are amazing! See… it’s cool how good feeling good about yourself makes you feel!
Let’s vow to be proud. To have fun in all situations. To play. To be great at whatever it is you’re doing in this present moment. It’s the only one that matters. So… Always be the kindest, happiest, most honest, YOU you can be. Make it count.
Smile. Enjoy Life.