I found this in a journal that I used for our trip to San Diego last year. I thought I would share since tomorrow we embark on our next journey on an airplane.
The day is finally here! As of this moment, Danny and I are up in the air, on our way to San Diego. And I have to say that this trip is amazing and its only just begun! I got a surprise treat…my first time in the window seat!!!! I don’t even have words for how majestic and incredible the view is. Clouds are one of my favorite beauties to behold. And flying amongst them…WOW. I had my face glued to the window from the moment we took off. Getting to see the world, everything we know, get smaller and smaller and we go higher and higher. I love it. We are all just tiny tiny ants. Really puts things in perspective. I almost couldn’t believe that no one around me on the plane was staring out the window. Like how often do you get to see a sight like this?!?!?! The view is breath taking. At one point we were flying through the fluffiest, most angelic looking clouds. I could see them moving and building and changing right before my eyes. It was like flying through a cotton candy dream. I hope I never lose my excitement for life. For Simple Things. I hope I never want to pull down the window shade on an airplane. I ALWAYS want to see the beautiful view. I want to see and learn so many things.
And now to today…
There are few things more exciting to me than preparing for a new adventure. Clothes are laid out on the bed, in preparation for packing. Going back and forth deciding if we really need to bring that extra T-shirt. Miles the puppy, pacing back and forth and watching us curiously. Random little dance breaks and squeals of jubilation as we repeatedly realize…”WE ARE GOING TO COLORADO TOMORROW!” I am so glad the time has come for a new journey. I don’t know if I really like looking at traveling as going on vacation. To me, my entire life feels like vacation. That’s what happens when you become grateful for everything in your life. Every lesson, every moment, every connection. So today I think of this adventure to Colorado as a new path I am foraging. Traveling to a new place where I will be met by some familiar faces. Spending my birthday with people I love. Getting to ride on an airplane and being grateful to be closer to the stars. A chance to take in new sights, try new things, and see SNOW FOR THE FIRST TIME. My little gypsy heart is full and happy. My eyes are bright.
I am ready.